North Sacramento School Tree Planting
February 22 @ 8:45 am - 12:00 pm
Join us in bringing much needed shade, as well as planting education, to the Glenwood Elementary School students and community. These trees will provide clean air, clean water, and improved academics for the school and neighborhood – your contribution to the community through planting these trees will last for generations to come.
We provide all the necessary tools and supplies to care for trees. Participants will receive a short, hands-on training on site. After learning the tools and techniques, participants will split up into groups and begin planting trees throughout the campus.
Register now! The week before this event, we will send a logistics and directions email with detailed information about how to get to the site. You will receive this email ONLY if you are signed-up for this planting.
Who should attend?
Anyone, but those who live or work nearby are especially encouraged to attend! This event is open to the general public, you do not need any prior experience to join us and on-site training will be provided. Families with children are welcome.
Register in advance: Space is limited. If your plans change prior to the event, please update your registration status so we are sure to have the necessary number of volunteers.
Youth volunteers: Volunteers under 18 years of age must have their parent or legal guardian sign their consent form during registration. Volunteers under 16 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. One adult chaperone is required for every 6 youth under 16, or for every 2 youth under 10.
Waiver: All volunteers must pre-register and sign a completed volunteer waiver form during registration and BEFORE participating in the event.
COVID safety: Although we encourage attendees to be fully vaccinated, all attendees can choose to wear facial coverings at their own discretion. Anyone who has tested positive for COVID should not attend, unless more than 5 days have passed and they are asymptomatic and have tested negative on day 6 or later – please provide advance notice of cancellation when possible.
Clothes and shoes: Closed toed shoes are required. Dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather, and plan to get a little dirty.
Arrival: Arrive on time. Check-in begins at 8:45 AM and volunteers must be present for the tool safety demonstration at the start of the event.
Food and drink: Bring a refillable water bottle; light snacks and water will be available on site if needed.
Skills: No specific skills or tools required. Each event starts with a tool safety and planting demonstration. Volunteers work alongside experienced Volunteer Captains and staff.
Group registration
At all of our events, we prioritize including people who live or work in the community where the event takes place. Not all events can accommodate groups from outside the immediate project area. If you represent a group of 5+ people, please email volunteers@sactree.org to discuss potential volunteer opportunities.
Getting there
Public Transportation: TBA
Parking: TBA
About this project
At the Sacramento Tree Foundation, we work with community members to support their visions of growing green neighborhoods. This event is community-led.
Support for this event is provided by SMUD, City of Sacramento, Habitat for Humanity, Robla School District, and the Sacramento City Unified School District.
If you have questions about this initiative or would like to get more deeply involved, please contact Justin Rubio, Volunteer Coordinator, at justin@sactree.org or (916) 974-4310.
Make a gift to SacTree
Donate to SacTree to support our work growing thriving communities through stewardship of our urban forest! SacTree relies on the support of friends, neighbors, and volunteers like you to make our work possible.
Questions about volunteering?
Reach out to volunteers@sactree.org with any questions about registering for this event or volunteering with SacTree.