Project spotlight: Fruitridge Manor and the Mack Road Partnership

August 8, 2017

Fruitridge Manor

Peter Burnett Elementary in the Fruitridge Manor neighborhood was the site of our first major event in South Sacramento. Since then, we’ve hosted planting events at several schools, mulch madness at parks, and numerous hours of outreach to neighborhood associations, local nonprofits, and churches.

With all of that, it is fitting that our first neighborhood event took place with our early adopters in Fruitridge Manor! On Sunday, April 12 with the help of Soil Born Farms, we worked with four homeowners to plant nine new trees, including several fruit trees. It was an awesome day — but this is just the start! We’re looking forward to planning watering and pruning workshops, as well as follow-up plantings with interested neighbors as we help the neighborhood grow THEIR best urban forest possible.

Mack Road – Valley Hi Community Center

In early spring, we were contacted by the ReImagine Mack Road Foundation asking how we could help reshape, revitalize, and reinvent the community on Mack Road. Since we believe that trees are a great way to grow healthier communities, we suggested that we have a tree planting at the Mack Road – Valley Hi Community Center. We are happy to report that approximately 45 volunteers helped to plant, water, and mulch 22 brand new trees — 13 shade and 9 fruit — at the community center during two separate events!

Trees clean our air, make our streets more walkable, and most importantly, improve human health. We’re excited to watch these trees as they grow around the community center, providing shade and food for those who visit.

Do you live in South Sacramento? We’d love to help you activate your community, bringing the power of trees to your neighborhood. We’ll bring the trees, stakes, ties, tools, and expert knowledge while you recruit your friends and neighbors to transform your community one tree at a time!