Top three trees for spring flowers in Sacramento
March 1, 2024
Spring is in the air! As temperatures begin to warm up, our beautiful trees begin to bloom. Check out these stunning bloomers now available through our free shade tree program:

Japanese snowbell – The Japanese snowbell is prized for its delicate, white, thimble-sized flowers that decorate its branches in the spring. It leafs out with dark green leaves that provide dense shade throughout the summer.

Strawberry tree– This lovely evergreen is charmingly unique. The ‘Marina’ strawberry tree is named for its clusters of red berries that grow in the fall or winter, preceded by showy, pink, bell-shaped flowers in the spring. Its manzanita-like bark is distinctly smooth and red, peeling off in attractive strips as the tree matures. Its leaves are dark green and glossy and remain on the tree throughout the year.

Eastern redbud – While this tree is lovely all year round, it is most well-known for its beautiful display of small pink flowers in the spring. The Eastern redbud is a low-maintenance and fast-growing tree that will thrive anywhere with consistent watering. After blooming in the spring, it leafs out with small, heart-shaped leaves that provide dense shade all summer long before turning a soft gold color in the fall.
Thinking about adding one of these beautiful bloomers to your yard? Thanks to our partnership with SMUD, customers can get a free landscape assessment and up to 10 free shade trees delivered to your home or business. To learn more or apply for the program, visit You can also find a list of trees currently available at to help you choose a tree that will grow well in our climate and provide the best benefits!