Eastern redbud

Cercis canadensis 

Showy Flowers
Fall Color
Attracts Wildlife
Cercis canadensis - Eastern redbud

While this tree is lovely all year round, it is most well-known for its beautiful display of small pink flowers in the spring. The Eastern redbud is a low-maintenance and fast-growing tree that will thrive anywhere with consistent watering. After blooming in the spring, it leafs out with small, heart-shaped leaves that provide dense shade all summer long before turning a soft gold color in the fall. May be a species Eastern redbud or the 'Oklahoma' hybrid cultivar depending on availability.

Eastern redbud characteristics



20-30 feet


20-30 feet

Growth Rate:

Moderate to Fast

Water Needs:


Sunset Zones:

7, 8, 9, 14

Fall Color:


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