
Quercus douglasii - blue oak acorn and leaves

Trees are tool to fight inequality

October 1, 2016

Matt Buland, one of our NeighborWoods coordinators suggests, “There should be no marathons, only short sprints to the next shade tree. BANG!!! We’re off.” Read more to see what he means…

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Side-by-side portraits of five popular evergreen trees for the Sacramento region, including strawberry tree leaves, deodar cedar, California bay laurel leaves, cork oak, and interior live oak leaves

Top 5 evergreen trees for Sacramento

September 12, 2016

Enjoy winter foliage, and year-round air-cleaning with these popular evergreen trees for our region! These trees are showcased in our online Shady Eighty guide. Strawberry tree – Something showy on this small…

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Quercus douglasii - blue oak acorn and leaves

Ask an arborist: Brown pear tree leaves

September 9, 2016

Dear Arborist, I have a flowering pear tree in my yard that a lot of brown leaves on it. I haven’t stopped watering it, what is going on? What can…

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A collage of low-water trees, including Zelkova, valley oak, Chinese flame tree, Chinese fringe tree, and Western redbud

Top 5 low-water trees for Sacramento

August 3, 2016

We offer a wide variety of great trees that won’t run up your water bill. Use our Shady Eighty Tree Guide to choose a tree for your yard or just to learn more about some of our region’s trees. Here are a few of our favorites…

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Quercus douglasii - blue oak acorn and leaves

Bringing new voices to the table at Riverview STEM Academy

June 28, 2016

Every tree planting project starts with who, when, what, where and why. A great deal of thought goes into who needs to be at our initial meeting. When we work with schools, that group usually consists of the principal, a teacher and/or a parent volunteer. Community Forester Matt Buland’s first meeting with Riverview STEM Academy, an elementary school in Rancho Cordova, was quite different.

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Quercus douglasii - blue oak acorn and leaves

Why our community scientists are dedicated to saving the elms

May 26, 2016

On Saturday, May 21 I was reminded as I watched volunteers examine a particularly large, umbrella-like, American elm on 24th Street as to why we want to preserve these trees in the first place.

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It takes a (Lincoln) Village

May 22, 2016

Over 100 trees were planted in Rancho Cordova’s Lincoln Village neighborhood thanks to support from the entire community.

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Quercus douglasii - blue oak acorn and leaves

Rooting for a greener tomorrow in Fruitridge Manor

April 28, 2016

On Saturday, April 23rd, more than 130 volunteers from all over the Sacramento region spent their morning with us at Peter Burnett Elementary School to help kickoff our new South Sacramento NeighborWoods initiative.

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American elms line the streets in Sacramento's Elmhurst neighborhood; these old trees are susceptible to fatal Dutch elm disease (DED)

Chronicles of the Sacramento elms: Part 2

April 27, 2016

As National Arbor Day approaches, it’s a good time to reflect on our region’s devotion to the trees that make our landscape so pleasing to the senses. Until the 1880’s, Sacramento was nicknamed the “City of Plains” for its broad, treeless flatlands. It was then that an effort began to transform the area into the “City of Trees”; the elm was the crown jewel of the new canopy.

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Quercus douglasii - blue oak acorn and leaves

Folks for Oaks reforesting native oak woodlands

March 30, 2016

For nearly a decade, the Sacramento Tree Foundation has been working with SMUD to provide valley oak trees to residents of the City of Elk Grove Rural Community. This program, called Folks for Oaks, was established in 2007 thanks to the gusto and dedication of two community members, Leo Fassler and Nancy Myers. Since the inception of the program, about 1,400 valley oaks have been planted in this community.

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