Top 5 trees for spring flowers in Sacramento

March 3, 2017

A collage of 5 flowering trees, including crabapples, California buckeye, redbud, Chinese fringe tree

Temperatures are climbing and spring is in the air! Welcome the warmer weather and beautiful blooming season with these stunning trees.

Japanese crabapple – Lovely small, spreading tree with pink flowers that fade to white. Small yellow fruit, can attract birds.

Chinese fringe – Showy and fragrant small white flowers. If two or more trees planted together, female trees may produce small bluish fruit, which is attractive to birds. Exfoliating bark attractive in winter.

Saucer magnolia – Showy large pink and white flowers in spring. Umbrella to vase shape with a dense canopy in summer.

California buckeye – This California native has large fragrant white flowers and brown 2″ to 3″ round, shiny fruit. It conserves water in summer by losing leaves early.

Western redbud – Beautiful native small tree, often grows in a multi-trunk form. Small dark pink flowers bloom before leaves in early Spring. Do not over water, best for low-water landscapes.

Remember, you can use our Shady Eighty Tree Guide to help you choose a tree that will grow well in our climate and provide the greatest benefits!